Showing posts from July, 2020Show all
Along with meat festivities, you can send Eidi and Gift offers through ----- while staying at home?
During Eid-ul-Adha how many days do you have to complete your animal sacrifice?
What do most of the families do with the meat?
Which animal can not be slaughtered as sacrifice?
How is Eid Ul Adha celebrated?
In which season does Mango come in Pakistan?
After spring comes which season?
Can you name the summer travel destination
Which insect is responsible for Malaria?
What season has less food for animals?
From which language does picnic come from?
Which of the following words means of or relating to summer?
Which of the following is the definition for oversummer?
Which of the following summery words has never been a proprietary name?
Which of the following words contains an etymology which means shields from the sun?
Vacation comes from a Latin word meaning
Which of these words can not be used to describe physical inertness due to heat?
Can you name the summer travel destination
Which city has hot weather in India?
Which vegetable is best to eat in summer?