Another advantage of fasting has come

In Ramadan, Muslims around the world fast fast and help them avoid dangerous diseases.

This came in a new medical research in the US. Belour College of Medicine said that fasting in Ramadaan reduces the risk of insulin resistance, which can help prevent diseases like diabetes, while keeping physical weight at a healthy level. Research suggests that during fasting in Ramadan, drinking food from fasting to fasting can lead to the level of protein levels that improves insulin resistance as well as excess fat and sugar nutrients. Provide protection from the risks.

According to research, more than 65 million people are obese in the world, resulting in the risk of multiple diseases, but fasting on diseases such as diabetic condoms and liver protection. Researchers said that eating and fasting significantly influenced the body as to how to make and use proteins, which is necessary to reduce the risk of insulin resistance and maintain healthy physical weight.

He added that eating habits and interval between them are important factors that are important for those affected by obesity-related people.